Books and Booklet Printing
A versatile book and booklet printing service for UK wide distribution from Leicester. Flexpress produce in excess of 3 million books and booklets per year and cater for virtually every type and style you're ever likely to need including: staple/folded (saddle-stitched) booklets, wire bound (wire-o) books and booklets, perfect bound books and booklets (also known as soft-back books) and case-bound books and booklets (also known as hard-back books).

Stapled Booklets
With sales of over 1.5 million full-colour booklets per year, it's fair to say Flexpress clients still love the printed word! With a choice of various cover weights and different sizes available, Flexpress Stapled Booklets make an ideal marketing tool.
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Perfect Bound Books
The 'Perfect' option for thicker books! Bound using PUR adhesive for exceptional strength and flexibility and with a variety of sizes, cover weights, and inner page options - our perfect bound books, magazines or manuals are 'bound' to impress!
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Case Bound Books
Also known as hard-back books or hard-cover books, adding a beautifully printed sturdy hard cover gives your book another level of quality and adds immeasurably to the perceived value.
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Wire-o Bound Books
Wire-o bound books are the ideal choice for training manuals, presentations, reports; in fact any book where the pages need to lay completely flat making it easy to write in them or leaving both hands free for typing.
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Spiral Bound Books
The spiral bound book features a continual plastic spiral available in a wide choice of colours, which are the favoured choice for schools and colleges for educational planners and diaries of all kinds.
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